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How To Reduce Cellulite: Get Your Body Ready Before Summer Hits

Updated on January 28, 2012

What exactly is cellulite? Cellulite is the fat that forms just below the surface of the skin. Once formed it has the appearance of cottage cheese like dimpling over certain areas such as the buttocks, thighs, hips and stomach. Women tend to be more prone to have cellulite form than men. This is because in a woman's body the connective tissue is thinner and weaker. Read on to learn how to reduce cellulite.

Causes Of Cellulite

The causes of cellulite come in all forms. Most of the causes you do have control over while others not so much. The following are known cellulite causes:
♦ Hormonal - Some hormones like estrogen, insulin, noradrenaline, thyroid hormones and prolactin are said to play a role in cellulite
♦ Genetics
♦ Eating foods high in fat, sugars, processed foods and red meats will cause cellulite to form
♦ Smoking
♦ Lack of exercise
♦ Stress
♦ Poor Elasticity in the skin
♦ Aging - With aging the subcutaneous skin layer becomes thinner
♦ Wearing too tight clothing - This restricts blood flow.

So, what can you do to get rid of that unsightly cellulite? There are a number of things that you can do to help fight cellulite. First maintain a normal weight. Keeping your body weight steady is important. Yo-yo dieting will only make cellulite worse. Reduce coffee, alcohol and processed foods. Eat lots of fiber rich foods and drink plenty of water. Drinking a lot of water will hydrate your body and help to remove any build up of toxins. Do specific exercises targeted for your legs like squats and lunges.

How To Reduce Cellulite With Your Lymphatic System

What role does the lymphatic system play in cellulite? The lymph system plays a huge part in the formation of cellulite. It is a part of the circulatory system and is responsible for bringing oxygen, hormones and nutrients to the cells from the blood. It also helps the immune system, remove excess fluids, debris, waste, dead blood cells, cancer cells and toxins too.

When your lymphatic system is clogged up and sluggish your body suffers through cellulite forming, having aches and pains, fibromyalgia, eye puffiness, more flu and colds and being overweight.

What can you do to help cleanse your lymph system? There is plenty that you can do.
♦ Start with your diet and increase your vegetable intake, take a liquid chlorophyll supplement or take fenugreek which is known for cleansing the lymphatic system.
♦ Dry brushing can help with the circulation of the lymph. Do this in circular motion upward from your feet toward your heart.
♦ Alternate between hot and cold showers. The heat will dilate your blood vessels while the cold will cause them to contract.
♦ Try drinking herbal teas like astragalos, echinacea, goldenseal, pokeroot, wild indigo root.
♦ Don't drink soda. Instead drink unsweetened cranberry juice and of course drink lots of water.

How To Remove Cellulite With An Anti-Cellulite Diet

What should you be eating to help in the fight against cellulite? You should be eating as healthy as possible, eliminating excess fats and sugars. Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits and good proteins.

A good anti-cellulite diet should consist of the following: green vegetables like asparagus, broccoli, avocadoes, bananas, beans, berries, bran and oat, nuts, salmon, mackerel, herring, bass, tuna, onions, pears, pineapple, watermelon, citrus fruits. Eat foods loaded with vitamin C and bioflavonoids.

It is important to eat plenty of green vegetables so your body gets enough chlorophyll. What chlorophyll does is to help clean your blood and your lymph. If you want to give your body an extra punch try supplementing your diet by taking a liquid chlorophyll. I have been taking one myself made by Now Foods.

How To Reduce Cellulite With Exercise

Check out this video below for some cellulite exercises. This is a great workout to blast off any cellulite you may have.

Cellulite Exercises

Reducing Cellulite With Home Remedies

You can use cellulite home remedies to reduce the amount of your cellulite. Here are a few that I have come across in my search to rid my body of cellulite.

The first is using coffee grounds. Coffee is an antioxidant and caffeine. Caffeine is a good remedy in eliminating the appearance of cellulite. Rub some olive oil over your cellulite affected areas than take some coffee grounds rub in the area along with some water to form a slight paste. Massage in circular motion.

You can also mix the coffee grounds with epsom salt. Use equal parts of both and mix in a little water to form a paste.

Soak in a bath with some warm water and sea salt. The sea salt will penetrate deep into your skin to help remove excess fluids from your skin tissue.

Massage your cellulite with coconut oil or juniper oil.

Feel free to comment below for any tips on how to reduce cellulite.

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